Virtual Engineering

FERAL testbed: Implementation of an infotainment system for validation and testing

The evolution of vehicle infotainment systems has dramatically enhanced the driving experience. This is achieved by incorporating advanced functionalities such as navigation, multimedia, and connectivity options. Therefore, meticulous testing is crucial to ensure the reliability and functionality of these sophisticated…

Advancing Automotive Development & Testing with the FERAL Driving Simulator

Development and testing of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies are of paramount importance in the rapidly evolving automotive industry [1]. Therefore, in collaboration with our industrial partners aSR and CADFEM, we built a driving simulator that…

Der FMI-Standard und seine Bedeutung für die Industrie

This article is also available in English: The FMI standard and its significance in industry FMI als Mittel zur Beschleunigung der Produktentwicklung Der Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) Standard ist ein offener Standard, der erstmals 2010 als Lösung zur Reduzierung des…

The FMI Standard and Its Significance in Industry

Dieser Artikel ist auch in Deutsch verfügbar: Der FMI-Standard und seine Bedeutung für die Industrie FMI as a means to accelerate product development The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is an open standard first released in 2010 as a solution…

Simplifying Simulation Scenario Design and Execution: A Guide to Creating and Configuring FERAL Simulation Scenarios with YAML

Introduction Creating and configuring simulation scenarios is effort-intensive and time-consuming, mainly because each scenario requires a unique set of configurations, parameters, and settings, making the procedure time-consuming and error-prone. This complexity not only reduces productivity but also increases the learning…

Integrating Systems of Record (SOR) into the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Dataspace: Bridging the Gap by Leveraging Submodel-based Interface Descriptions (Part 1)

A core technology in realizing Industry 4.0 is the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as an implementation of the Digital Twin. The AAS enables interoperable data-sharing in a company as well as within a network of companies, creating an AAS dataspace….

Energieoptimierte Produktion mit Digitalen Zwillingen

Das produzierende Gewerbe ist einer der größten Verursacher von CO₂-Emissionen und steht für ca. 31 % des Primärenergiebedarfs. In der industriellen Fertigung könnten bei einer beschleunigten Digitalisierung bis zu 12,7 Millionen Tonnen CO2 eingespart werden[1]. Genau mit dieser Aufgabenstellung befasst…

Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling for Service-based Production with Deep Reinforcement Learning (Part 1)

Current industrial production scheduling approaches assume that process planning is performed before scheduling and that process plans are fully or at least partially available before scheduling starts. However, this is not the case in service-based production [5]. Service-based production provides…

Utilizing the Asset Administration Shell to Make the Process Industry Changeable

The process industry is characterized by closed systems that cannot be inferred easily from the outside, enormous process durations, and long ramp-up and ramp-down times. As a result, changes to process plants are even more costly than in discrete manufacturing….

Integrating Digital Twins with MATLAB/Simulink by using BaSyx

Integrating Digital Twins with an existing modeling and simulation workflow is a complex task. With our custom MATLAB/Simulink library, our experts from Fraunhofer IESE make it possible to take advantage of the capabilities of BaSyx within any MATLAB/Simulink model, improving…