
What Do You Really Mean by “Blockchain”? – Architecting Blockchain-Based Applications (2/3)

Blockchain is a heavily overloaded term, both in discussions of practitioners and in literature. This ambiguity is dangerous as it leads to a lot of misunderstandings and can compromise the quality of blockchain-based applications being developed. Thus, we delineate in this article key terms of blockchain. To make understanding as simple as possible, we use Ethereum as an example.

Architecting Blockchain-Based Applications (1/3)

Blockchain is a hype topic that already led to some disillusionment. The development of blockchain-based applications is often technology-driven and with a trial-and-error approach. We provide guidance for architecting blockchain-based applications. We put structure on foundations and terms around blockchain, we outline architecture drivers that benefit from using blockchain technology, and we guide architects with numerous questions through the design space of blockchain-based applications.

The CrowdRE workshop: Central to progressing Crowd-based Requirements Engineering

Consider submitting your original research by 5 July 2019, or attend the workshop on 23 or 24 September 2019 on Jeju Island, South Korea! Open to all researchers and practitioners interested in the topic of CrowdRE, CrowdRE’19 will facilitate interactive…

Vortrag @ SATURN 2019, Pittsburgh, USA

Die SATURN 2019 findet dieses Jahr in Pittsburgh statt, der Heimatstadt des SEI. Das Programm ist wieder voller Highlights für Softwarearchitekten. Ich freue mich sehr, auch mit einem Vortrag dabei sein zu dürfen:
„Tangible Ecosystem Design: Architecting Digital Ecosystems for Disruptive Services“

Future Skills: Approaches for Teaching Data Literacy in Higher Education

In the context of digital transformations, the ability to deal with data in a planned manner and to consciously use and question this data in the respective context is becoming increasingly important and represents a central competence in all sectors…

Interview: How is managing quality requirements in rapid software development beneficial for companies?

From 10 to 12 May, the second plenary meeting of the Q-Rapids (Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development) H2020 European research project was held at Fraunhofer IESE. We interviewed Prof. Xavier Franch, the project manager of Q-Rapids and a professor at UPC-BarcelonaTech….

High Quality @ Short Time-to-Market: How the need for speed changes your software’s quality requirements and where you have to invest!

Shorter times for delivering new software products and updated versions are more and more common. Higher speed can provide substantial business value, but only if adequate quality can be delivered. In this article, we explain how the need for speed impacts your software’s quality requirements and why development time and operation quality requirements need strong improvement.