Systems Development

Dynamische Systems-of-Systems für Smart Cities der Zukunft

Im Projekt DynaSoS beschäftigte sich das Fraunhofer IESE seit Anfang 2022 mit dynamischen Systems-of-Systems (SoS). Ein System von Systemen beschreibt eine Konstellation verschiedener Systeme, die ein gemeinsames Ziel erreichen wollen, das allerdings keines der Systeme alleine erreichen könnte. Im Bereich…

Virtual Continuous Testing – New Horizons for Modern Software-based Systems Development

Over the course of time, the indispensability of information and communications technology as an integral part of modern software-based systems has also given rise to the demand for more sophisticated development approaches. Among those, the established V-Model and its novel…

CeBIT 2017: Systems Engineering in the IoT Era

In summer 2016, Fraunhofer IESE conducted a study about challenges and best practices in the area of Systems Engineering across innovative companies in the German-speaking region. The results of the study were presented in Japan at the end of October…