Dr. Rodrigo Falcão

Dr. Rodrigo Falcão ist seit 2017 als Software Engineer am Fraunhofer IESE tätig, wo er als Senior Architect & Project Manager in der Abteilung Architecture-Centric Engineering arbeitet. Im Jahr 2022 promovierte er an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern in Informatik. Sein Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf datengetriebenen Ansätzen zur Unterstützung der Erhebung kontextbezogener Funktionalitäten. Zu seinen Forschungsinteressen gehören Kontextbewusstsein, datengetriebene Kontextmodellierung, empirisches Software Engineering und Interoperabilität. Bevor er zum IESE kam, arbeitete er 15 Jahre lang in der Softwareentwicklungsbranche, wo er u.a. als Projektleiter, Systemanalytiker und Entwickler tätig war. Aus diesem Grund liegt ihm die Vorstellung eines Brückenschlags zwischen Industrie und Wissenschaft ganz besonders am Herzen. --- Dr. Rodrigo Falcão has been a software engineer at Fraunhofer IESE since 2017, where he works as a Senior Architect & Project Manager in the Architecture-Centric Engineering department. In 2022, he completed his PhD in Computer Science at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, focusing on data-driven approaches to support the elicitation of context-aware functionalities. His research interests include context awareness, data-driven context modeling, empirical software engineering, and interoperability. Before joining IESE, he worked for 15 years in the software development industry, holding roles such as project leader, system analyst, and developer. For this reason, he is passionate about the idea of bridging the gap between industry and academia.

Interoperability in data spaces: then, now, and next

The topic of data spaces has gained increased traction in Europe and beyond. In this blog post, we tell in compact way the history of the concept, its current definition, and what significant challenges lie ahead for the consolidation of…

The engineering of smartness in software-based systems

In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the pursuit of smartness in software-based systems and showed how context awareness often enables what is perceived by end users as “smart behavior”. In today’s post, we address the question…

Smart Systems

The Pursuit of Smartness in Software-based Systems

In this Fraunhofer IESE blog post series, we will explore the pursuit of smartness in software-based systems. In this initial post, we will discuss the concept of „smart“ within this context, pinpoint what lies at the heart of smart-based systems,…