AI Innovation Labs

Identify profitable AI applications for your business with “AI Innovation Labs”

Which AI applications are the right ones for your business?

Wir helfen Ihnen die richtigen KI Anwendungen für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden!
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Do you also ask yourself how the use of AI can make sense for your business? Do you want to understand how you can use Artificial Intelligence to improve your business processes, achieve efficiency gains, or offer new products and services?

With “AI Innovation Labs”, we have developed a method and tool kit with which we systematically identify, implement, and evaluate AI applications that have a clear added business value.

“AI Innovation Labs” support the entire process from ideation to prototyping to integration into products and services.

With “AI Innovation Labs”, we help your company to systematically clarify key questions such as:

  • How can you benefit from Artificial Intelligence?
  • What is the added value?
  • What are the implications for your business model and your customers?
  • What are useful AI applications?
  • Is the required data available and is it of sufficient quality?
  • Which competencies and infrastructures are needed, and are they available?
  • Which investments are required to deploy a solution for Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence: application areas and use

The possibilities for using AI are diverse and continue to evolve constantly. These are the current trends and developments that impact areas such as Industry 4.0, Automotive, Health, and Cyber Security:

  • AI in diagnostics: AI-supported diagnostic systems are becoming increasingly powerful and can support doctors in the detection of diseases.
  • AI-supported health assistants and chatbots are becoming increasingly important for advising patients, answering their health questions, and alerting them to potential health problems.
  • AI-supported security solutions: For example, AI can use Machine Learning to detect attack patterns, identify anomalies, and take proactive measures to protect networks and systems.
  • Technologies for the protection of privacy: As data protection and compliance are becoming increasingly important, technologies are emerging that enable AI functionality without jeopardizing user privacy.
  • AI for autonomous driving: Advances in image processing, sensor fusion, and decision-making enable vehicles to handle increasingly complex traffic situations.
  • Connected vehicles communicate with each other and with the infrastructure: Traffic, weather, and road condition information is exchanged and analyzed in real time to increase the safety and efficiency of road traffic.

Companies that keep pace with these developments and use Artificial Intelligence can not only increase their competitiveness, but also offer their customers tailored solutions.

We show you how to use AI!

Our method: AI Innovation Labs = added value for your business through targeted use of AI

KI Anwendungen: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie KI nutzen können!

“AI Innovation Labs” is a method for the systematic identification, implementation, and evaluation of AI applications. We follow a three-step innovation process in several iteration and evaluation cycles:

1. Current situation and focus
We identify the initial situation and the target area.

2. Business solutions
We develop innovation ideas in collaboration with the various stakeholders in your company.

3. Technical solutions
Once we have identified the concrete business cases, we develop the selected technical solutions in an iterative process.


»AI Innovation Process«

The iterative evaluation and further development of the business and technical solutions is necessary for successful implementation. At the same time, we reduce the risk of failure and of bad investments.

1. The evaluation of the business solution includes checking the plausibility of the model, especially with regard to its profitability (revenues in relation to costs) and its suitability from the customer’s point of view.

2. The evaluation of the technical solution includes the general suitability (e.g., in terms of data availability and quality or required tools and infrastructures) as well as the feasibility of the developed technical solution in a practical field test.

“AI Innovation Labs” and our services at a glance

Our experts show you the way to profitable AI applications in your company.

  • We create ideas and develop them into a business case.
  • We formulate assumptions (profitability, attractiveness, and feasibility of the business case).
  • We perform continuous evaluations based on these assumptions.
  • We understand the data and evaluate the data quality.
  • We select appropriate algorithms for building models and performing analyses.
  • We develop strategies for implementing the solution and scale it incrementally.
  • We evaluate the business suitability in the respective context.
  • We conduct bilateral projects using an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
  • We also offer hands-on tutorials.

Contact us!

You want to use AI and know whether it makes sense for your business?

Schedule an appointment with us, by email or by phone.