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Kaiserslautern, June 11, 2024 – In a unique collaboration, the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS, and the University of York with the Assuring Autonomy International Programme (AAIP) have developed new safety standards for autonomous systems – with a focus on autonomous driving – in the research project ICON “LOPAAS” (Layers of Protection Architecture for Autonomous Systems). After three years of research, the closing event of the project took place today at Fraunhofer IESE in Kaiserslautern.
more infoWith long waiting lists, significant journey times, an ever-shrinking number of doctor’s practices and the aging population, medical care services in sparsely populated regions are under mounting pressure. As part of its Neighborhood Diagnostics project, the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Diagnostics ZDD® is working to develop a digital ecosystem for delivering patient treatment close to where they live in order to ensure that people in rural areas can access highquality medical care despite the shortage of doctors. One of the digital ecosystem’s key features are its decentralized health stations, which are tailored to local needs and feature fully automated labs that will ensure medical tests and diagnoses can be provided round the clock. The project will be on display at the joint Fraunhofer booth (Hall 3, Booth E74) at the MEDICA trade show in Düsseldorf from November 13 to 16, 2023.
more infoCombining FlexNoC and Ncore from Arteris with Fraunhofer-Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering IESE DRAMSys4.0 enables customers to improve performance, reduce cost and accelerate the advanced DRAM-centric SoC development schedules.
more infoFraunhofer IESE is proud to be part of the European project EcoMobility, which had its official kick-off on May 24th, 2023. The kick-off was a 2-day event hosted in Vienna, Austria, by the coordinator TTTech Auto AG, a global company that provides solutions for the challenges of future vehicle generations. In the project, Fraunhofer IESE will contribute to assuring the safety of connected and automated mobility solutions by developing a collaborative dynamic risk management approach.
more infoThe consortium project “DiCoMa” (Digital Construction Management) ended on 30 April 2023. The aim of the project was to evaluate and advance the progress of digitalization in the construction industry. On the one hand, an interview study aimed at gaining in-depth insights into the state of digitalization and networking in the construction industry in general and the infrastructure measures sector in particular was conducted for this purpose. On the other hand, the concepts and functionalities developed in the predecessor project “Infra-Bau 4.0” were evaluated with potential users. From the results, the research team derived recommendations for action for the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction industry.
more infoLaunched in Paris, on October 4, AgriDataSpace will coordinate a preparatory action to pave the way for the European data space for agriculture. The project, coordinated by Agdatahub, aims to facilitate data exchange, processing, and analysis in a secured, trusted, transparent and responsible manner to create new opportunities for monitoring and optimising natural resource use, stimulating data-driven innovations. Fraunhofer IESE is taking on the role of Technical Manager for the overall project. A particular focus will be on the coordination and harmonization of the technical architecture of data spaces for agriculture. In addition, IESE will be in charge of creating the “Technology Canvas”, a public report on data, models, and interoperability solutions as technological enablers for the implementation of data spaces for agriculture.
more infoWith digitalization, a multitude of new technologies will be introduced to the railway system. These will place high demands on IT platforms in regards to reliability, scalability, performance and strict safety require-ments. As part of the Digitale Schiene Deutschland sector initiative, DB Netz AG, Thales, SYSGO, Fraunhofer IESE, University of Rostock and ESE, have taken a first important step in this direction and have developed the basic architecture for a "SIL 4 Cloud".
more infoSince October 2022, 13 partners from research and industry have been collaborating in the new research project “BaSys4Transfer” to implement a Industrie 4.0 toolbox of engineering solutions. The focus is on the open-source Industrie 4.0 middleware Eclipse BaSyx. The goal: To make Industrie 4.0 easy! The project, led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE in Kaiserslautern, builds on the successful work and the results of the previous funding projects BaSys 4.0 and BaSys 4.2. In this third project, the middleware, which is currently being successfully used primarily by “early adopters”, is to be made fit for widespread use. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the project over a period of three years with a total of 6.7 million euros.
more infoIn the new networking and transfer project (N&T) X-KIT (GAIA-X and AI Projects: Transfer & Networking), seven project partners under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE are working together to ensure cross-cutting networking and support for the AI projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). In addition, the domain “Agriculture” is being further developed in GAIA-X – a project to establish a European data infrastructure for sovereign data exchange. The overarching goal of X-KIT is to exploit synergy effects as extensively as possible and to develop compatible solutions. The BMEL is funding X-KIT from September 2022 to January 2025 in order to make the best possible use of the potential of digitalization for food and agriculture as well as for rural areas. The German Federal Agency of Agriculture and Food (BLE) is supporting the N&T project X-KIT as project management agency.
more infoThe Internet of Things and big data are revolutionizing how the manufacturing industry operates. A freshly launched research collaboration between UBC Faculty of Applied Science and two Fraunhofer Institutes will provide new digital offerings to support the industry’s transformation.
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