Our References in User Experience

Reference Projects

A paramount goal of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Forschung e.V. is the sustainable entrenchment of scientific research results in industrial application.

FinanzInformatik GmbH & Co.KG: Optimal Arrangement of Information

With FinanzInformatik, the IT provider of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, the question arose of how different pieces of information can be presented and combined in a suitable manner within their overall banking solution OS Plus. Usability as well as the speed of cognitive processing were analyzed by Fraunhofer IESE by means of a usability test using an eye tracker, and adequate solutions were elaborated.

Fujitsu Labs: Systematic Software Engineering for IT Systems In Japan

Since 2006, Fraunhofer IESE and Fujitsu Labs have been collaborating in research and technology transfer projects. In 2010, the collaboration was extended and now also includes topics from the areas of usability and user experience as well as requirements engineering. Recently, Fujitsu Labs announced that Fujitsu Labs has successfully transferred the adapted methods provided by Fraunhofer IESE to Fujitsu Business Units.

Empirical Results

Our Experience with UX Patterns

  • Customers who had been attended by employees with UX patterns in their software were 8% more satisfied than customers attended by employees without UX patterns in their software.
  • Software with UX patterns is considered significantly more stimulating, more innovative, and more motivating than software without UX patterns.
  • More than 120 UX pattern candidates (mainly found during KREAFUN workshops) are available.
  • Users using UX patterns had 0.47 breaks during a workday; users without UX patterns had 1.5 breaks.
  • Users using UX patterns finished 23% more tasks without making more mistakes than users without UX patterns.
  • Users using UX patterns finished 77% of their tasks according to instructions compared to 41% of those not using UX patterns; an improvement of 36%.